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Full Moon in Pisces 2022 Horoscopes

Sep 07, 2022

The Full Moon in Pisces is exact on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 4:59 AM CT.


When I think about this Full Moon in Pisces, I think about the call of Jupiter, who will re-enter Pisces on October 28. While this might not seem connected, Pisces has a way of calling us from beyond what we can see right now.


Jupiter was in Pisces from December 28, 2021-May 10, 2022, and when they left Pisces to enter Aries it felt a little deflating for many people. Then Jupiter stationed retrograde in Aries on July 28 and a deflating energy might have progressed (probably doesn't have anything to do with inflation 🤣). It seemed like we were on the precipice of realizing what we’d intended to grow, but then the energy shifted in May and July.


New decision points clouded the visions we’d worked so hard to see through in the spring as Mercury was retrograde in Taurus and Gemini. New seeds were planted, new downloads received—and as we arrive at this Full Moon in Pisces there’s a sense of unfinished business from what we started in the first half of this year coinciding with overwhelm from all that we have taken on.


Venus, who entered Virgo on September 4, might have us wondering if we are enough. Are we capable of seeing all of this through? Mars, who entered Gemini on August 20, is moving into a square with this Full Moon and asking us if there’s something we have to cut out. Are there things you need to finally remove from your life?


Yet there’s that original dream that began in the cold nights of winter and built over spring. That original dream that we put away over the summer, and now we found ourselves wondering—did I go in the wrong direction? Did I get off track? This newborn dream is so demanding, so loud. Is it time to let go of what I originally envisioned?


And a small part of yourself that says—wait, for there is more to come. You are not done with what you dreamt. You are not finished yet. In fact, that original dream must coincide with all that you've begun. This is all part of the plan. 


Mercury stations retrograde on September 9, less than 24 hours before this Full Moon in Pisces arrives, and all of the doubts you’ve expressed, the details you’ve tried to perfect, the decisions you made without knowing what would come next, oh dear, it will likely be turned on its head again while Mercury travels from 8° Libra back into Virgo before stationing direct on October 2. Mercury exits their post-retrograde shadow just ten days before Jupiter re-enters Pisces.


You’re going to change your mind—that’s okay.


You can be intentional about changing your mind every step of the way.


I’ve talked a lot about how Mercury retrogrades in general and the Mars in Gemini transit happening from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023, are prime opportunities for changing your mind—but what do I mean by that?


I mean that it’s time to divert the power away from your inner critic, your inner people pleaser, and give the power to your widest self, your Soul. It’s time to listen to your true inner voice and not the parts of you that tell you that you are not enough.


The way we think, the stories we tell ourselves, they hold tremendous power. We are all made up of stories. Stories we inherited from our ancestors, stories we heard as children, stories we heard from our guardians that established the framework we use to see the world.


You can rewrite those stories. You can decide to tell yourself new stories about what’s possible.


This Full Moon in Virgo is going to illuminate a story you’ve been telling yourself, and as you journey from this point through the end of the year, I want to invite you to ask yourself—Is this the story I want to stay in? Or do I dare to pick up my pen and begin a new story? Do I dare to adopt a new belief? Do I dare to end this book and start another?


full moon horoscopes

Read for your rising sign. Not sure what this means? Get a copy of your chart here.



7 of Pentacles

At this Full Moon in Pisces you might find yourself standing in a garden. The leaves and petals are beginning to fall to the ground, and on each one is a note from you to you. A note from the past about a decision that felt impossibly hard to make. A note from the future about how you are creating the compost from which future seeds will grow. In the mix of decay and planting bulbs that will grow for years to come, you find yourself harvesting gems from your subconscious. Creations only you can make are your highest form of service. Talk about what’s unfinished and incomplete. When you notice what you’re saying resonating with someone else, notice also what it’s mirroring back to you about what you have grown and buried.


Practice the art of the receiving as you develop your intuition. Learn to speak with confidence as you build a stronger sense of self. Learn to trust your intuition and follow what you know. Explore astrology, tarot, plant communication, creative channeling and more! It's all happening inside Intuition School September 12-22—learn more here!



9 of Swords

There is a part of you that might feel unfairly critiqued at this Full Moon in Pisces. This critical voice might have you questioning your value or if other people understand what you’re really all about. How can you listen to your concerns and give them a voice without blaming? It’s not necessarily that you did anything wrong, that you are wrong, it’s certainly not that you aren’t enough—there might be a deeper way of thinking that you need to bring your attention to. That voice that says you’re either good or bad—is that how you see the world today? Or is that a part of you that thought the binary of good and bad was the only option for understanding the world? If you feel misunderstood take time to listen to and understand yourself.


Practice the art of the receiving as you develop your intuition. Learn to speak with confidence as you build a stronger sense of self. Learn to trust your intuition and follow what you know. Explore astrology, tarot, plant communication, creative channeling and more! It's all happening inside Intuition School September 12-22—learn more here!



4 of Wands

You might feel responsible for keeping everyone happy at this Full Moon in Pisces, as everyone is coming to you for help making their own decisions. With Mars in your own sign from August 20-March 25, 2023, your energy will be in high demand. If you resonate with being a peacekeeper in your family or work, notice the ways in which you are making decisions to keep the peace. Consider if keeping the peace is truly the highest priority right now, or if there are opportunities to free yourself from that role. If you knew that you couldn’t ever make everyone happy, how might change your choices? How might that change the roles you choose to play in your life?


Practice the art of the receiving as you develop your intuition. Learn to speak with confidence as you build a stronger sense of self. Learn to trust your intuition and follow what you know. Explore astrology, tarot, plant communication, creative channeling and more! It's all happening inside Intuition School September 12-22—learn more here!



The Creator & Temperance

A dam is a structure that holds water back. At this Full Moon in Pisces, you are tearing down the dams. In order for your energy to flow ease-fully between inspiration and implementation, you need to remove these unnecessary structures and limitations.

Ever since Mars entered Gemini on August 20, you’ve had a surge of motivation to alchemize your unconscious beliefs into creative magic. You might be at the beginning of learning something new in a formal way—but you are definitely at the beginning of turning your limiting beliefs into a powerful source of energy. This is teaching you a lot about the word No, which is a magical tool you have at your disposal. How will you use the word No to keep this energy flow going? On the one hand you love that word, but on the other it can sound wrong falling off the tip of your tongue. Practice.


Practice the art of the receiving as you develop your intuition. Learn to speak with confidence as you build a stronger sense of self. Learn to trust your intuition and follow what you know. Explore astrology, tarot, plant communication, creative channeling and more! It's all happening inside Intuition School September 12-22—learn more here!



5 of Wands

Your inner critic could have you convinced that everyone is fighting against you. Even if you face opposition, which all bold leaders do, don’t assign yourself to the opposing team. Be on your own side. Sometimes for so many reasons we expect that we will have to defend ourselves, and we’re not always wrong.

Consider the ways in which you have witnessed institutional injustice and how that has informed your values and what you’re committed to care about. How will you show your care through defending a community rather than your imperfections?


Practice the art of the receiving as you develop your intuition. Learn to speak with confidence as you build a stronger sense of self. Learn to trust your intuition and follow what you know. Explore astrology, tarot, plant communication, creative channeling and more! It's all happening inside Intuition School September 12-22—learn more here!



King of Pentacles

It’s your season Virgo, and you’re in your Virgo element. In true Virgo fashion Mercury is retrograde. In relationships especially there are disconnections for you right now. Think back to the vision you set for yourself at the New Moon in Pisces on March 2, 2022. Even though right now you might feel like you are in the wrong place, consider the way in which you decided to take charge of your vision at that time. How much have you realized since? Who has been there to help you?

You’re playing a new role and you’re showing up in a different way. It’s okay that you’re at the beginning of this new position. You will learn how to play this new role with a beginner's mind through the end of March 2023 at least. How can you be more strategic around the pace you’re asking yourself to learn and implement?


Practice the art of the receiving as you develop your intuition. Learn to speak with confidence as you build a stronger sense of self. Learn to trust your intuition and follow what you know. Explore astrology, tarot, plant communication, creative channeling and more! It's all happening inside Intuition School September 12-22—learn more here!



4 of Swords

As Mercury has just stationed retrograde in your own sign on September 9, you're being called to slow down and get quiet. A critical voice within you might tell you that you have’t earned the rest, but when you can’t see your way through the day because you’re in such a fog this is your body is asking for time to reconnect. How do you connect to your body? How do you find the critical voices within your body? As you touch what hurts the most—or have it touched—what are you releasing? Yes, I’m encouraging you to get a massage.


Practice the art of the receiving as you develop your intuition. Learn to speak with confidence as you build a stronger sense of self. Learn to trust your intuition and follow what you know. Explore astrology, tarot, plant communication, creative channeling and more! It's all happening inside Intuition School September 12-22—learn more here!



6 of Wands

How can you celebrate what you’ve created on your own? If you remove the opinions and reactions of your audience, how do you truly feel about your achievements. It’s not so much that you’re receiving negative feedback necessarily, but that you’re too aware of what everyone else’s standards are. What are your standards? How do you embody your commitments and celebrate what you’re passionate about? 


Practice the art of the receiving as you develop your intuition. Learn to speak with confidence as you build a stronger sense of self. Learn to trust your intuition and follow what you know. Explore astrology, tarot, plant communication, creative channeling and more! It's all happening inside Intuition School September 12-22—learn more here!




With Mars opposite your own sign right now, you’re inherent power is activated. The energy surrounding you is like a powerful magnet and anything you attract to you can be alchemized into powerful expansion. Given this, it’s important to be mindful of how you’re using your mind not only at this Full Moon in Pisces, but the entire time Mars is in Gemini from August 20-March 25, 2023. This is a time to really cut out the messages that aren’t taking you towards your goal. Reject binaries and be mindful of what’s taking you off message.


Practice the art of the receiving as you develop your intuition. Learn to speak with confidence as you build a stronger sense of self. Learn to trust your intuition and follow what you know. Explore astrology, tarot, plant communication, creative channeling and more! It's all happening inside Intuition School September 12-22—learn more here!



8 of Wands

If you think back to what you were beginning to learn back in March of this year, you’ll recognize this Full Moon in Pisces as a graduation ceremony. You’ve learned a lot and you're excited to expand and change your message as a result of all that you have learned. With Mercury square to your own sign, you might see or think of people you haven’t seen in a long time. You’ll notice how much you’ve changed when you talk to them without shame.


Practice the art of the receiving as you develop your intuition. Learn to speak with confidence as you build a stronger sense of self. Learn to trust your intuition and follow what you know. Explore astrology, tarot, plant communication, creative channeling and more! It's all happening inside Intuition School September 12-22—learn more here!



Knight of Cups

A new opportunity might come your way at this Full Moon in Pisces and it might look pretty appealing on paper. Be mindful of the details and consider the people that you are dealing with. Ask all of the questions that you need. Let your curiosity open you to new ideas and play around with the proposal for awhile. An instant commitment might not be the right answer right now.


Practice the art of the receiving as you develop your intuition. Learn to speak with confidence as you build a stronger sense of self. Learn to trust your intuition and follow what you know. Explore astrology, tarot, plant communication, creative channeling and more! It's all happening inside Intuition School September 12-22—learn more here!



5 of Swords

We all get one Full Moon in our own sign each year and this one is yours Pisces. You are cutting cords with past versions of yourself and your relationships will show you what you have outgrown. Some people might not be happy about the ways that you’ve changed, but at the end of the day it’s you who has to be satisfied. Or the opposition could be you, fighting yourself over a commitment that didn’t turn out the way that you wanted. If you’re feeling internal conflict, it’s important for you to hear yourself out (or be heard by others) in order to find resolution.


Practice the art of the receiving as you develop your intuition. Learn to speak with confidence as you build a stronger sense of self. Learn to trust your intuition and follow what you know. Explore astrology, tarot, plant communication, creative channeling and more! It's all happening inside Intuition School September 12-22—learn more here!

Use astrology to break cycles and align with your calling.

 the Cycle Breaking Astrology Masterclass I will show you 
how to identify inherited family patterns in your natal chart to determine the patterns you are here to integrate.
  • How to identify inherited family patterns in your natal chart
  • Determine the patterns you are here to integrate
  • Find the gifts you are here to bring forward
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