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Full Moon in Libra 2022 Horoscopes

Apr 15, 2022

Sometimes lighting a candle is simple. You strike a match and bring it to the wick without issue. The wax melts, the flame grows larger, and the energy from the candle fills the room. 

Sometimes lighting a candle is not simple at all. You strike a match and it immediately goes out. Maybe the wax has gone down to a point that a simple match won’t work anymore, you need a long lighter. Maybe the wick is drowning in the wax and you have to sit with the candle to get the fire going. 

After finding just the right lighter to get the candle lit you feel a sense of resourcefulness. “I’m not going to give up on this candle!” you say. “I paid for this candle! I’m going to burn it all the way down to the end!”

Sometimes the answer is to spend ten minutes getting the candle going. Sometimes the answer is to walk away. 

The Full Moon in Libra is exact on Saturday, April 16 at 1:55 PM CT. This is the last lunation before the eclipse portal that will take place between April 30 and May 16. Aries season brings the energy of new beginnings and fresh ideas while the Full Moon in Libra reminds us that there are limitations to our energy. Every action must be balanced by a reaction. We can’t pour all of ourselves into everything or everyone. As the freshness of the season and the year wears down we start to see the remnants of what we could not keep up with. We start to see where the wax has buried the wick. 

Where have you not been honoring your own boundaries? 

This is a particularly important question as we move towards an eclipse season that will bring unexpected endings and beginnings—an eclipse season that will require us to assert our boundaries. 

This is a particularly important question coming off the heels of a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces that asked us to surrender to the unknown and the unknowable in a season that is all about taking action and making moves. 

Sometimes we don’t know why we can’t strike the match. It’s just the energy, the presence in the room, something inside of us that says, “I don’t think that candle is for me anymore.” 

This Full Moon in Libra is exactly square to Pluto in Capricorn. Maybe our decision to walk away from the candle isn’t just about us—maybe we are breaking a generational cycle about independence, relationships, and certainty. Mercury and Uranus are conjunct in Taurus, inviting us also to say firmly, “This is what needs to change.” 

At the same time, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune and Mars are all in Pisces, which is so soft. And so maybe we say, “This is what needs to change… because I love you. But also because I love me.”

How can you say no from a place of unconditional love to everyone involved? How can you say yes from a place of unconditional love to everyone involved?

Everyone involved includes you. 

Saturn and Juno in Aquarius ask us to make commitments that will stand the test of time. We might be relying completely on our senses to make these commitments. We might be relying on our ability to feel what is right. Sometimes when hard data is nowhere to be found, what we sense is the most important data there is. 

But there is also hard data showing up right now. Facts that cannot be ignored. Are you ignoring them? Are you pretending that the matches are faulty when they just don’t want to be lit? 

A Full Moon in Libra reminds us that there will always come a moment in time when a beginning will be balanced with an ending. There is a peaceful sweetness in knowing that. 


full moon horoscopes

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Is there a gentle place that you can go inside of yourself Aries? You are a strong-willed person and during your season you might have been confronted with how other people connect to your strength. But you are also a sensual person who needs to receive gentleness and care. At this Full Moon in Libra you may find a dreamscape that fills your cup. Allow yourself to play in this place and see who meets you there. In a more “practical” sense, you might be setting boundaries in your work and what or how you are open to receive. Maybe these are boundaries with other people, maybe they are boundaries with yourself. There might be a group of people you felt connected to once and have since left behind. It’s simply that you know more now. Let it be okay. 

Learn how to connect to an Earth Ancestor who will help you fulfill your purpose on Earth at this time. Register for the FREE Earth Ancestor Reunion class here.



It’s almost your season Taurus, and while you are grounded more than most you might find it important to really plant yourself here right now. Is there anything you need to say? Is there something you need to express or do today that will align you with the direction you are committed to moving forward with? As eclipses happen in your own sign over the next four weeks you will be surrendering to the mystery of life. This might make you nervous, but trust that you are held. Connect to that feeling of being held by the Earth right now by placing your feet flat on the ground and allowing the root system beneath you to rise up and connect you to your widest, most expansive self. You are wise Taurus and you are connected to something much larger than yourself. How can you use this wisdom to be of service to the world? It’s a big responsibility, but there is no one more reliable than you. 

Learn how to connect to an Earth Ancestor who will help you fulfill your purpose on Earth at this time. Register for the FREE Earth Ancestor Reunion class here.



There is a heavy responsibility you’ve held that is coming to a close near this Full Moon in Libra and in a sense you are growing up. You might say, well I am grown up, but maybe there is a little part of you that says “But I’m still a baby.” And it’s true, you can be both guardian and child. You can be both grief and hope. You are the master of duality and right now you are holding two sides of yourself that face outward and inward. Is there a way that you can express yourself creatively right now? It could be just singing in the car or even making offerings to your guides. This initiation asks what you’d like to commit to next. The Full Moon is not necessarily for answering but for cultivating awareness of the answers that arise only in the process of surrendering. Your contract is almost up. A new one will soon begin. 

Learn how to connect to an Earth Ancestor who will help you fulfill your purpose on Earth at this time. Register for the FREE Earth Ancestor Reunion class here.



This Full Moon invites you to show up in the world so that the people who are looking for you will see you clearly. Who is gathering around you? Who do you want to gather around you? When you share your wisdom in a playful way you will easily attract the right people to you. Are you holding onto being serious because it feels safe? How could you be more childlike in the way that you share? I feel a sense of transitioning from the role of nurse to the role of warrior. Not because you don’t care but because you do care. It’s because you care that you need to be seen and heard. If you feel more comfortable hiding at this Full Moon ask yourself who benefits from your absence? Is it you? Probably not. Is it the people who are looking for you? Definitely not. Claim your power. 

Learn how to connect to an Earth Ancestor who will help you fulfill your purpose on Earth at this time. Register for the FREE Earth Ancestor Reunion class here.



There might be a part of you that wants to get up and leave at this Full Moon in Libra. You might say, “A new place seems fine at this time. A new story, a new start.” Yet there is something here that you have been creating and you have to stay committed to it. It’s part of the journey you signed up for. So this journey you are on is not quite complete but the dream of where you could go remains. How do you defend yourself in times of change? Change happens always, regardless of whether we are ready or not. Sometimes the season for change arrives and we are asked to commit before we are ready. I would say that right now you might surprise yourself with what you say yes and no to. It’s because there’s something inside of you that has a clear picture of the dream you desire even if other people didn’t see it coming. There is someone or some people who are here to support you more than you know. Allow yourself to soften in their presence.

Learn how to connect to an Earth Ancestor who will help you fulfill your purpose on Earth at this time. Register for the FREE Earth Ancestor Reunion class here.



You need to set clear expectations in your partnerships at this Full Moon in Libra. Make sure that what you are agreeing to is fair to you and do not be ashamed of advocating for your needs. If you do not say what you need then you are telling yourself your needs are not important. Is that what you believe? I surely hope not. A childhood wound could easily arise at this Full Moon in Libra and your inclination might be to hide it. In reality you need to let the people you are committed to working with in on the process because they will understand. It’s better to say clearly what you want and set good guidelines for the future. Right now is the time, because for the next four weeks there is going to be some energetic confusion. Don’t contribute to more confusion. Be clear. 

Learn how to connect to an Earth Ancestor who will help you fulfill your purpose on Earth at this time. Register for the FREE Earth Ancestor Reunion class here.



We all get one Full Moon in our own sign each year Libra and this one is yours. There might be a sense of things working out thanks to a connection with someone who shares the same dream as you. In order for you to open to the possibilities of this partnership you might have to face some heart healing from past partnerships and foundational relationship wounds. I feel that you are turning the corner on work that you have already done. It’s like a foundation was laid that is opening you up to seeing your dreams to fruition in your work and daily life. This might mean leaving behind some past commitments in order to make space for a more aligned beginning, or there could be an investment you need to make to get the work off the ground. You live for harmonious alignment Libra, and I’m happy to say that this time it looks like your wish might be granted. 

Learn how to connect to an Earth Ancestor who will help you fulfill your purpose on Earth at this time. Register for the FREE Earth Ancestor Reunion class here.



As you prepare for something new to enter your life you are taking a moment to pause and rest. This Full Moon really invites you to be out of pocket for a moment, even from some of the people you care for and love the most. In order for you to give sustainable energy to new creations you need to be able to nourish yourself. There is no shame in that. Over the next four weeks you will have eclipses in your own sign, and these could mark major shifts with you and your relationships. Trust that there is a larger plan for you and allow yourself to flow with its unfolding. The most important thing for you right now is to be nourished and cared for, and it seems like there is deeper healing happening on more than one side of a relationship around the question of, “What does it mean to be cared for?” Think about the ways you express gratitude to yourself for all of the levels of care you provide—tangible and intangible.

Learn how to connect to an Earth Ancestor who will help you fulfill your purpose on Earth at this time. Register for the FREE Earth Ancestor Reunion class here.



You are wrapping something up with your community at this Full Moon in Libra and preparing to enter a season of rest. Whether things worked out exactly as you had hoped or not over this Aries season, it’s important for you to honor the completion of your efforts and show yourself compassion. You might feel a little off the grid of where everyone else is right now as you are planting seeds for the future knowing you may never see them come to fruition. The point is sharing unconditional, radical love and healing. The point is holding hope for the collective even if it is out of view. If you feel guided in your daily life and in your service, it’s because you are. Pay special attention to your dreams for the next month.

Learn how to connect to an Earth Ancestor who will help you fulfill your purpose on Earth at this time. Register for the FREE Earth Ancestor Reunion class here.



Protection is the word for you at this Full Moon in Libra. You’ve been working over Aries season to protect yourself, but there has also been an invitation to see clearly the ways in which you are always protected. You are always supported. There is something that needs to be addressed here around the ways we have been conditioned to think of protection. I think you know more than most that sometimes protection is a word used nefariously. Sometimes we say “this is for your protection” as a way of circumventing responsibility or accountability. Yes, that is true. But protection is also so necessary. Protection is a way of clearly communicating our boundaries, which is best for everyone. It seems like you have the best interest in mind of your community even if your boundaries make them feel left behind. This Full Moon is really bringing your attention to what’s happening below the surface and tending to it even if that’s not what people want from you right now. You are honoring the necessity of protection at a critical time. Stay committed. 

Learn how to connect to an Earth Ancestor who will help you fulfill your purpose on Earth at this time. Register for the FREE Earth Ancestor Reunion class here.



You already have the answers that you are seeking Aquarius. If the last period has been challenging you might be asking, “Why?” Deep within yourself you know why. It’s meant to awaken new ways of tending to yourself on the deepest level. Externally the world might be wondering what is going on with you. You can’t derive your own meaning from other people’s feelings and curiosities. You are living at the intersection of extreme tenderness and activated power. You are only able to embody this when you are strongly rooted with your purpose, which you have been shown. For the next four weeks the role you play in the world might go through a transition. Trust that you are ready. 

Learn how to connect to an Earth Ancestor who will help you fulfill your purpose on Earth at this time. Register for the FREE Earth Ancestor Reunion class here.



How can you simultaneously feel like you are returning to yourself and departing from yourself? At this Full Moon you are bringing a contract or commitment with a group of people to completion. In a way, maybe the story has been decided for you. Maybe the decision has been made for you. Yet there is peace with that. There is peace with knowing that you put all of your effort into the healing process. There is peace with leaving this version of yourself behind. You’ve been preparing for this ending, you’ve been preparing for this beginning. And now you are at a point where all you can do is hope. You’re a Pisces. You invented hope. Know that you are loved by the people around you and if and when you find yourself in a position to deliver news about unexpected (or expected) changes that they respect you for the gentleness with which you deliver the news. 

Learn how to connect to an Earth Ancestor who will help you fulfill your purpose on Earth at this time. Register for the FREE Earth Ancestor Reunion class here.



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