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Full Moon in Capricorn Horoscopes

Jun 24, 2021

This Full Moon in Capricorn invites us to release what we have picked up from societal conditioning, particularly familial conditioning. 

Ha! Sounds so simple when you write in a sentence like that, but even as an astrologer I am feeling this tremendous shift. How many pep talks did I have to give myself in order to sit at my computer and share these words with you? 

We’re coming off of the heels of two eclipses, a Mercury retrograde, and Jupiter and Saturn stationing retrograde. Everyone has had some unexpected events show up in their lives—so if you feel that you are alone in your search for stability and comfort, rest assured that you are in good company.

This Full Moon could feel quite heavy. It could feel dour. It could feel emotional for no reason and all of the reasons.

Capricorn is a sign that creates structure, rules and boundaries, while Cancer seeks safety, security, and comfort. At this Full Moon, we would like to know when we will feel like we know what the hell is going on again. Capricorn is associated with The Devil card in the Tarot, and I think that this is important. The invitation of The Devil is to release ourselves from thought patterns that don’t support us any longer, but The Devil asks that we have a playful attitude about it.

What is a small way that you can choose to move in a way that is loving towards yourself?

How do you open to innocence and play when you trust that there is time?

Jupiter has been in Pisces since May 3, but stationed retrograde on June 20. A trine between Venus in Cancer and Jupiter in Pisces has asked us to listen to the wisdom of our desires, as following the path of desire and love is the pathway to the comfort and care that we long for. 

Where can we put our chin up and look at the brightness that is being born? The lightness that we hold inside of ourselves is ready to emerge in a new way. All it asks of us is time and patience—and a structure for creation, play and fun to emerge.

You are worthy. 

You are lovable. 

You are allowed to rest. 

You are allowed to take that bath. 

Who is allowing it? 


You know when enough is enough.

This Full Moon in Capricorn invites us to ask what is allowable?

The Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn are in a square with Chiron in Aries. Aries asks, how will you choose yourself? How will you embrace the exceptional qualities in you that your family taught you were fatal flaws? The more disentangled you are from familial conditioning, the more easeful this transit may feel.

Venus in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn are opposite at this Full Moon, which can bring dramatic breakaways in relationship conditioning. We’re talking about deep, deep generational patterns that we are working on here. We’re talking about conditioning around all of those “supposed to’s” as it relates to the “where we should be’s” in our relationships and work. 

Saturn is currently retrograde in Aquarius, creating a portal of swirling, disconnected time. Time isn’t really real—but our own anxiety and the pressure we create around it is. Mars in Leo is moving into an opposition with Saturn in Aquarius, which is exact on July 1. If we are attached to the way things are supposed to be, we could feel like time has been wasted. If we allow a new and ancient paradigm of time to emerge, we could feel emboldened by the possibilities. 

You are exactly where you are supposed to be. But where would you like to go?

full moon horoscopes

Read for your rising sign. Not sure what this means? Get a copy of your chart here.


You’re not one to fall down in the face of bullying, but when it comes to a particular figure in your life you might feel more like a cowardly lion than a warrior. At the Full Moon in Capricorn, you might have a moment of clarity about your own relationship with generational patterns related to authority. There is a crowd of people that you are measuring yourself up to and against. You might be wondering what your neighbors or your siblings think about you, what you do, what you’ve achieved with your life. Have you accomplished enough? Or are you just a wild child, never quite settling down the way that you are supposed to? 

It’s your calling to create, to be inspired—to inspire. Break away from any conditioning about your creative process, the way you love and what accomplishments are supposed to look like. Recognize all of the opportunities that are being presented to you and be patient with their arrival.

In July I’m offering a special $15 discount on Astro-Herbal Consultations—making them just $60. This includes a one-ounce custom blend of flower and gem essences created to support you in the process of understanding and integrating the invitations of your current transits. Use the code “HERBLOVE” to receive your discount at booking here.



Where would you like to go, Taurus? The familiar is comfortable, but there is something beyond the boundaries of your neighborhood that calls for you. There is magic that is ready to be created. What is stopping you from traveling in the direction that you want? Don’t let your own boundaries and rules stop you from going in unexpected directions. There are so many pathways that you can explore if you are willing to step out of your comfort zone.

You might not feel like you are ready to go there yet. Is there more that you need to learn, or is there a hidden wound you are trying to ignore? You can learn and learn and learn, but eventually you will have to take action on what you have discovered up to this point. Gather your supplies and wave your wand in the direction that feels most inviting to you.  

In July I’m offering a special $15 discount on Astro-Herbal Consultations—making them just $60. This includes a one-ounce custom blend of flower and gem essences created to support you in the process of understanding and integrating the invitations of your current transits. Use the code “HERBLOVE” to receive your discount at booking here.


You’ve had switcheroo after switcheroo as it relates to your body since Mercury entered Gemini on May 3. Now that it stationed direct on June 22, the fog should start to clear up. There is a path forward for you, even though it feels confusing as ever right now.

The way that you have been making your money is primed for a change, but there might be some people you share resources with who are not quite ready for that change. You could feel personally afflicted by the control they have over your earnings. But how do you choose to feel about yourself? This could even bring a mirror up to your family patterns around money and wealth. Choose sovereignty.

By next spring, you’ll be amazed at how good it feels to know your worth. 

In July I’m offering a special $15 discount on Astro-Herbal Consultations—making them just $60. This includes a one-ounce custom blend of flower and gem essences created to support you in the process of understanding and integrating the invitations of your current transits. Use the code “HERBLOVE” to receive your discount at booking here.



It’s your season Cancer! After mentally cleaning house for the last month, you’re ready to step into a new phase. What would you like to bring into the world next?

The people around you are stepping into the next part of their journey, and you might be in a position to support them in their own transitions. You love to be a supporter for other people—but don’t lose sight of what you want and what is important to you. What are some commitments you can let go of now? What are some transitions you are ready to make in your most important relationships? How can you take what you feel is wrong with you and use it as fuel for your worthiness?

Jupiter’s time in Pisces has invited you to be bigger than you believed you could be. While it is retrograde and will exit this sign by the end of July, this invitation will return in 2022. In order to keep the seed you’ve planted growing, water and nourish yourself. 

In July I’m offering a special $15 discount on Astro-Herbal Consultations—making them just $60. This includes a one-ounce custom blend of flower and gem essences created to support you in the process of understanding and integrating the invitations of your current transits. Use the code “HERBLOVE” to receive your discount at booking here.



At the Full Moon in Capricorn, boundaries are being set or reset in your relationships. There might be an external force telling you what you need to focus on now. It might seem like a lot of work, especially if you feel like you’re in the dark about how you’re going to move from one approach to another. The way that you have done things with someone else to manage your survival is changing—or someone is making it clear that it needs to change. You might surprised by others’ feelings on the issue.

It might be time to let go of some habits that have kept you secure in your relationships. Are you resistant or motivated? With Mars in your own sign, you might be running towards the door. What does your heart tell you to do? What is the healthiest option for you? 

In July I’m offering a special $15 discount on Astro-Herbal Consultations—making them just $60. This includes a one-ounce custom blend of flower and gem essences created to support you in the process of understanding and integrating the invitations of your current transits. Use the code “HERBLOVE” to receive your discount at booking here.


The wheel is turning. Can you be quiet enough to notice the signs that are emerging? The way that you have created for others is changing at this Full Moon in Capricorn. There’s no need to berate yourself over being irresponsible and incompetent Virgo. You can be your own worst bully when things don’t live up to your expectations. Remember that sometimes mishaps occur because the Universe is actually on your side.

Mercury has been in Gemini since May 3, and stationed direct on June 22. You’ve spent the last couple of months examining all of the possibilities with your career and work. Understanding what the expectations are of you has probably felt impossible and so aggravating. But notice—an important relationship invites you to expand. This person has dreams they want to achieve with you. Although you won’t see the full gifts from this partnership until next spring, rest assured that financial gifts are included. What you’re invited to do at this Full Moon is let go of the inner bully and make some decisions about what you want to pursue next. There are no right answers, but there aren’t any wrong answers either. Listen to yourself.

In July I’m offering a special $15 discount on Astro-Herbal Consultations—making them just $60. This includes a one-ounce custom blend of flower and gem essences created to support you in the process of understanding and integrating the invitations of your current transits. Use the code “HERBLOVE” to receive your discount at booking here.


When there is a change to your home, it can make everything else feel so off Libra. At this Full Moon in Capricorn, you’re letting go of something that felt like home, but it also might feel like you’re leaving behind an aspect of your identity. How can you create when your whole life feels like it is upside down?

You don’t even know what the rules are anymore. That’s partially because you’re changing your relationship with an authority figure or role in your life. Someone who was setting the rules you have now realized does not necessarily have your best interest at heart. As you let go of one boss, ask yourself how you can bring more sweetness and joy into the way you manage your work and life. What would feel so lovely for you to include in your routine? Recognize how this transition can help you clear a space for that to be part of your life. 

In July I’m offering a special $15 discount on Astro-Herbal Consultations—making them just $60. This includes a one-ounce custom blend of flower and gem essences created to support you in the process of understanding and integrating the invitations of your current transits. Use the code “HERBLOVE” to receive your discount at booking here.



Everything is happening as it is meant to. You’re moving from beginner to expert at this Full Moon in Capricorn, but in order for you to step to a new level you need to acknowledge all of the work you have done to build foundational knowledge. Looking back, can you see how all of the steps you took led you to exactly this moment? You have not wasted any time. You are disciplined, you are worthy, and you are no longer willing to have a patriarchal force place false boundaries and restrictions on you.

If no one had told you this is the way things should be, how would you do it? How would you communicate differently if you were sure that you knew enough? Trust that it will all work out.

In July I’m offering a special $15 discount on Astro-Herbal Consultations—making them just $60. This includes a one-ounce custom blend of flower and gem essences created to support you in the process of understanding and integrating the invitations of your current transits. Use the code “HERBLOVE” to receive your discount at booking here.


Exploration can be expensive, but there is also something pulling you in the direction you want to go. You might call it an ancestral longing. You might call it the song of your soul. There is something here that you want to know and you can’t help yourself. But even though you’ve caught the vibe, the lack of clarity about the complete direction is more stressful than you’re willing to let on.

You might be reviewing what you have spent up to this point to learn these lessons—both in finances and your own sense of worthiness. Has it been worth it? Has it been a waste of time? You are committed to bringing comfort and care to others and sometimes it’s at your own expense. You just want them to be happy. Review the role you have played in maintaining other people’s happiness and see if is is true to you. 

In July I’m offering a special $15 discount on Astro-Herbal Consultations—making them just $60. This includes a one-ounce custom blend of flower and gem essences created to support you in the process of understanding and integrating the invitations of your current transits. Use the code “HERBLOVE” to receive your discount at booking here.



Where is the balance of give and take, Capricorn? It is an emotional day when the Full Moon is in your own sign Capricorn. Restrictions around money and resources you share with other people could have you feeling less than worthy. The people in you have relationships with are also feeling quite emotional, so you might feel like you don’t have time to focus on what’s going on with you.

When there are dramatic shifts happening in your relationships, the truth is that everyone has intense emotions. You don’t have to hold everything together. You don’t have to take on other people’s feelings.

If things feel too intense, get out of the house. Leave your protective tower. Get out and go for a walk around the neighborhood. Go for a little drive. Connect with a hobby or something that you love. Allow your long-term vision to warm your heart, and know that your efforts will bring success with time. 

In July I’m offering a special $15 discount on Astro-Herbal Consultations—making them just $60. This includes a one-ounce custom blend of flower and gem essences created to support you in the process of understanding and integrating the invitations of your current transits. Use the code “HERBLOVE” to receive your discount at booking here.



You are in a season of wrapping things up. The Full Moon in Capricorn might require you to rise up and meet challenges in the face of the unknown. You could feel very low energy and not up to your normal schedule. There is some support at work or in your life to help you get through this period. You want people to see you as resilient and unshakeable, and asking for help doesn’t necessarily support that image. Building a future around community care requires you to take space when you need it. No matter how unpredictable life feels, set aside time for the things you enjoy the most. Remember that endings are always balanced by beginnings.

In July I’m offering a special $15 discount on Astro-Herbal Consultations—making them just $60. This includes a one-ounce custom blend of flower and gem essences created to support you in the process of understanding and integrating the invitations of your current transits. Use the code “HERBLOVE” to receive your discount at booking here.


You’ve been showing up behind the scenes to bring a new creation forward to your audience. Now might feel like the time to release it, but some drama might get in the way of achieving the results you would like to. Jupiter has been in your own sign since May 13, which might feel like an expansion of yourself and who you want to be in this world. Jupiter can make that expansive feeling so big, so present, that you feel that the time must be now. The time to leave is now. The time to grow is now. Jupiter stationed retrograde on June 20, and some of that energetic force might start to wane. Yes, it would be nice to be fully grown and rooted now, but this will take some time. Just imagine how much you will have grown by the time Jupiter exits Pisces on on May 10, 2022. What do you envision for that time?

In July I’m offering a special $15 discount on Astro-Herbal Consultations—making them just $60. This includes a one-ounce custom blend of flower and gem essences created to support you in the process of understanding and integrating the invitations of your current transits. Use the code “HERBLOVE” to receive your discount at booking here.


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 the Cycle Breaking Astrology Masterclass I will show you 
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  • How to identify inherited family patterns in your natal chart
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