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Full Moon in Cancer 2022 Horoscopes

Jan 18, 2022

I sat down to write these horoscopes more than once, struggling with how to write about a Full Moon that felt so deeply personal to me. 

It felt like there was no way to write this month’s horoscopes without inserting a little of myself in the process because I was born on the Full Moon in Cancer. This day every year is like a rebirth for me. Releasing old expectations is required. Holding the mirror up and asking, “Who am I now?” is inevitable. 

I had to go through that process in order to arrive here with what I believe this Full Moon is about and how it relates to the energy of 2022. 

The Full Moon in Cancer is exact at 5:48 PM CT on Monday, January 17. 

This is the first Full Moon of the calendar year 2022, a year that invites us into the Lovers constellation in the tarot. 

This constellation is about relationships, but also expectations and the way we communicate them. You cannot have the Lovers without the Devil. And for me, this Full Moon is about relationships and the way our expectations about the way relationships are supposed to function and look is one of the biggest ways we inflict harm on ourselves and others. 

Standards in relationships are not the same thing as expectations. Standards inform the quality of our relationship. They let us know that our values are aligned. Standards inform the quality and alignment of our values. Without standards we cannot understand what is aligned. Standards are a compass for decision making. A guide for mutual understanding and respect. 

Expectations tell us the way things “should” be based on a certain perspective. Expectations might come from conditioning around appearance, accomplishment and worth. Expectations are beliefs we hold about the future that we make based on prior beliefs and experiences. Expectations do not allow us to receive new information or data that aids in our decision making. When we relate around expectations instead of standards, we do not allow for evolution or growth. 

Standards create containers for respect. Expectations are indoctrination. 

Focus on your standards. Release your expectations. 

This Full Moon is a portal for releasing expectations and  asking questions about your standards. 

With Pluto in Capricorn exactly aligned with the lunation, we are releasing ingrained, generational patterns around who and what  we should be. We are releasing the ways we perpetuate those cycles and inflict them onto the ones we love. 

We are supported in doing this by Mercury, who just stationed retrograde in Aquarius and less than two weeks before Venus stations direct in Capricorn. Mercury will push past the Capricorn boundary on their retrograde journey, and as we move over this line between Capricorn and Aquarius we ask: What are the expectations that don’t make sense in this world any longer? What are the standards we will replace them with? (Read more about the Mercury retrograde cycles of 2022 here.)

The Sun in Capricorn opposite to the Moon in Cancer is, in my personal experience, almost always related to a strong parental influence.

Key questions that arise…

What are the expectations we inherited about how and who we give our care to? What are the expectations we inherited about how much effort goes into something and how we measure a job well done?

If you feel called to explore the patterns you inherited from your lineage and how they shape the expectations you have and need to release, join us for the Cycle Breaking Astro Class

full moon horoscopes

Read for your rising sign. Not sure what this means? Get a copy of your chart here.


The role that you play in the world is undergoing a major shift as the people who you have looked up to as role models are experiencing their own changes. It’s time for you to step into a much bigger role and there is a lot of responsibility that comes with that. The way you talk to people about what you do is changing in alignment with this bigger assignment. While it’s wonderful to take on more when you feel called to, be aware that you’ll probably need to take some things off of your plate and release some responsibilities during the month of February. 

Are you a cycle breaker? Learn how to use your natal chart to identify your role as a cycle breaker in my upcoming pay-what-you-feel masterclass. Register here.



You are rethinking your responsibilities and role within an institution. Who's the boss in this situation? You might be caught between keeping a positive attitude externally and delivering some hard boundaries or enforcing policies on behalf of someone else. While you can be strong and tough Taurus, you are actually quite sensitive and this Full Moon might bring up those deeper feelings. I feel like there’s something do indulge in, like a grandma’s fresh-baked cookies or a salad of rich colors and deep flavors, that will help you feel nourished while you’re doing what needs to be done. 

Are you a cycle breaker? Learn how to use your natal chart to identify your role as a cycle breaker in my upcoming pay-what-you-feel masterclass. Register here.



There is a major contract or commitment you need to wrap up around this Full Moon in Cancer. While the pressure is on to finish, it might not be the right time until February  or early March. Who you are and the way other people see you is expanding, but you might be the only one who knows it right now. You also might be letting go of something you inherited—an expectation of who you were supposed to be or what it means to share and be responsible for a place or a belief system. You’re rethinking what that means to you after rethinking a lot the last couple of years. 



Every year we get one Full Moon in our own sign Cancer, and this one is yours. Of course you are deeply in relationship with the lunar cycle and feel all of the shifts as we move through the year. Just because you can feel what everyone is going through Cancer, doesn’t mean that is your responsibility to hold. In your relationships at this Full Moon you might be tending to some really big, heavy feelings for other people. And while you can sense what they need, you need to know your boundaries. You have your own work you need to channel, your own destination you need to get to. Don’t lose sight of your vision and dream because you’re so caught up in what other people expect from you. 

Are you a cycle breaker? Learn how to use your natal chart to identify your role as a cycle breaker in my upcoming pay-what-you-feel masterclass. Register here.



This Full Moon might pull you inward for a nap and that is what you need. There’s a wall you need to put up your right now while you sort out how you feel privately. The work you have to do is changing in a big way and it might feel overwhelming. You are committed enough Leo, don’t worry about that. You might need to say no to some people you would normally say yes to, but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t committed. It might simply mean this is a boundary you need to set at this time. There are some responsibilities that are a part of your life that need to get removed over the next six weeks or so. Think about what that might be. 

Are you a cycle breaker? Learn how to use your natal chart to identify your role as a cycle breaker in my upcoming pay-what-you-feel masterclass. Register here.



You’re craving some pleasure in your life Virgo, but you’re trying to follow the rules. You long to see yourself reflected in community with other people but that doesn’t feel accessible now. There is someone who is a positive influence trying to hold space for you to have fun and play. But you might be in your own head right now, not able to think clearly about anything in your daily life, while Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius. Think back to the middle of December and what you thought would bring joy into your life at that time. By the beginning of February you’ll be coming full circle with the way you set your standards for fun and pleasure and how you can set your life up to support more of it. It is a worthy endeavor. 

Are you a cycle breaker? Learn how to use your natal chart to identify your role as a cycle breaker in my upcoming pay-what-you-feel masterclass. Register here.



The Full Moon is rocking the boat in the foundation of your life. The responsibilities feel immense at home and in your family. You want someone to reflect back the role you play in the world to you, because right now you don’t feel like you can see yourself straight. You have a vision and a dream that you’ve been longing to fulfill since the beginning of last summer, but the hope you once had might be difficult to navigate. The people you normally rely on for support might not feel present. There might be something from the past that needs some resolution for you to move forward, and if you feel held back it’s worth tending to those feelings. Venus stations direct on January 29, and you’ll soon feel ready to connect again. 

Are you a cycle breaker? Learn how to use your natal chart to identify your role as a cycle breaker in my upcoming pay-what-you-feel masterclass. Register here.



You’re at a turning point in your journey and there is something important that you are learning right now. At home you are adjusting your responsibilities and it is requiring long-term conversations about how you are going to get where you need to go. You’re trying to show the people in charge that you are reliable and worthy of respect. What do you think? Do you think you are reliable? Do you think you are respectable? At the end of the day it is your own beliefs and values that you need to see reflected back in the mirror. Pleasure is so important to you Scorpio, can you remember what you believe about that? What are you doing to achieve that value? 

Are you a cycle breaker? Learn how to use your natal chart to identify your role as a cycle breaker in my upcoming pay-what-you-feel masterclass. Register here.



There might be big responsibilities on your plate at work or financially, and as you make these commitments you could feel like there is a lot for you to learn and understand. You are fully capable of doing this though Sagittarius. How you serve through your work is a major focus of the next year and a half. Knowing that, you also must set clear standards on how you will take care of yourself. There are a lot of people who need you but there is only one you to go around. How can you make your sanctuary? How can you bathe your feet in the calming waters each? Those moments of stillness and silence are so important for you. 

Are you a cycle breaker? Learn how to use your natal chart to identify your role as a cycle breaker in my upcoming pay-what-you-feel masterclass. Register here.



Who you are and how you present yourself and your work is undergoing a major shift at this Full Moon in Capricorn. You feel immense responsibility not only for yourself but for your ancestors, your family, and the people you care about most, to make some changes and take on this job. The way you’ve thought about this responsibility is changing and as you change, the people around you shift too. With Venus retrograde in your own sign you might be undergoing a style or aesthetic change as well. While you know change is underway, you might feel like you’re having a hard time nailing down how to talk about it or present it to other people. You’re getting ready to take a lot more public action and there is no holding back. You feel the need to set the rules in alignment with your own values moving forward this year. 

Are you a cycle breaker? Learn how to use your natal chart to identify your role as a cycle breaker in my upcoming pay-what-you-feel masterclass. Register here.



With Mercury retrograde in your own sign you are rethinking who you are and what your responsibilities should be. Behind the scenes there is a lot happening for you. You might be making some really big commitments and changes that will impact your life and your relationships. Part of this transition might have to do with your relationship to home and how you connect to. The change might be unexpected but exciting. It’s so important for you to prioritize your values in the work that you do and there could be an emphasis on that with this change. After feeling restricted around your growth in 2021, you deserve some expansion this year. 

Are you a cycle breaker? Learn how to use your natal chart to identify your role as a cycle breaker in my upcoming pay-what-you-feel masterclass. Register here.



Expanding your horizons is on your mind and there are some powerful people who might be taking notice of you. You are committed to transforming yourself and your community and are putting in hard but invisible work to make it happen. You are intuitively feeling into your creations and connecting to something much larger than yourself. There is so much that you will learn in the next couple of years but you also have wisdom from the past to carry you forward into the future. The only question I see here is, where do you want to go?

Are you a cycle breaker? Learn how to use your natal chart to identify your role as a cycle breaker in my upcoming pay-what-you-feel masterclass. Register here.

Use astrology to break cycles and align with your calling.

 the Cycle Breaking Astrology Masterclass I will show you 
how to identify inherited family patterns in your natal chart to determine the patterns you are here to integrate.
  • How to identify inherited family patterns in your natal chart
  • Determine the patterns you are here to integrate
  • Find the gifts you are here to bring forward
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