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Full Moon in Aquarius Horoscopes

Aug 08, 2022

The Full Moon in Aquarius is exact on Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 8:35 PM CT.


I’m not sure if we’re friends anymore—this Full Moon in Aquarius might have that kind of vibe. Or maybe—I’m not sure where I belong?


If we once felt an allegiance to someone, we might be at a turning point where our own intuition and inner voice is louder than our desire to belong. This could show up as moving beyond a cycle you’ve been in or letting go of an inherited or indoctrinated belief. There’s a bareness to this Moon, and while The Star is the tarot card that is associated with Aquarius—this Full Moon makes me think more of The World.


We’ve come to a turning point in a vulnerable healing process, and at this Full Moon we are called to bear witness to all that has happened, to reflect on what we know, and to surrender to what we cannot possibly know right now.


For some, it might be helpful to think back on where you were a year ago when we had two Full Moons in Aquarius, the annual Full Moon that happened on July 21, 2021 and the Blue Moon that happened on August 19, 2021. There might have been important decision you made during that time that now feels totally inconsequential but at that moment felt extremely huge. 


This Full Moon reminds us how context is everything. The way someone sees the world is totally shaped by their experiences, the people they surround themselves with, the beliefs they inherited and on and one—we all see the world from own perspective. This can be both beautiful and challenging. 


We’re called to go within and listen to ourselves, our inner wisdom—and also to celebrate where we are able to celebrate. Because the truth is, this Full Moon is just the beginning a much larger collective shift that will take place over the next seven months


With the Moon in Aquarius, we're feeling into the ingress of Pluto into Aquarius that will take place on March 23, 2023. This will end the reign of Pluto in Capricorn that began on January 25, 2008. Pluto will travel through Aquarius until August 31, 2043. While Pluto is still in Capricorn (where it is currently retrograde), this Full Moon is definitely a foreshadowing event for the next twenty years of Pluto in Aquarius. 


When we look at the core feeling of the collective right now, we’re all very well of things that are not going well. We’re looking around and it can be hard to find something to celebrate. Yet at at a core spiritual level, many people know that there is something much larger than what we can put into words happening. We know that there is energy available for us to work with. We know that we have to be self-led, we have to listen to ourselves, and we have to listen to each other to create something new. Because where one thing ends, something else will always begin. Yet at a Full Moon, we may not know what the beginning will be. 


Within a couple of weeks, we'll likely have a better idea of what will come next. But yet we never really know all that comes next, do we? We never really know all that is happening behind the scenes. For some people, this Full Moon might reveal hidden beliefs, hidden feelings, and hidden voices. Maybe it begins now with now with a whisper of a crack, but the cracking will soon come.


When lightning strikes against a dark and stormy sky, the drama can be exciting. When things begin to crack there can be a sense of excitement that is hard to explain. Maybe right now you don't need to explain it, but simply to notice what is slowly slipping away. 


Of all the astrological events that will take place in the second half of 2022, the most significant, in my opinion, is the ingress of Mars into Gemini and subsequent retrograde. This transit begins on August 20, 2022. I go into more depth on this transit in this blog post


full moon horoscopes

Read for your rising sign. Not sure what this means? Get a copy of your chart here.




Five of Swords


If you are concerned that you don’t bring value or earn respect within your community, consider how a part of you might feel overly defensive. At this Full Moon in Aquarius, a part of you who wants to see the best in everyone might feel a little burned or triggered. You’re not necessarily one to fall in line with everyone else’s rules or ideas about what is right, but as much as you love independence, you also value harmony in relationships. Ask yourself if your own mood right now might influence how seriously you’re taking this situation.


Want to know more about what the rest of 2022 has in store for you? Do a DIY mini-reading for yourself and check out my collective predictions for the Mars in Gemini transit that lasts from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023 inside the Mars in Gemini Guidebook



Three of Cups and Queen of Pentacles


How is your experience a universal one? Is there something that you have figured out that would be a resource to help other people create more abundance in their lives? You are here to provide guidance to others and help them break out of their comfort zones just like you’ve been forced to over the past since Uranus first entered Taurus on May 15, 2018. How have you been pressured to push against the boundaries of your world since then? How do you see people around you struggling with something you once struggled with? What resources do you have to share with your community?

Want to know more about what the rest of 2022 has in store for you? Do a DIY mini-reading for yourself and check out my collective predictions for the Mars in Gemini transit that lasts from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023 inside the Mars in Gemini Guidebook



Four of Pentacles


What makes you feel a sense of security and stability, Gemini? Since you love questions to ponder, you might consider creating a document or note where you can reflect on this question over the next couple of weeks. Notice the patterns in your life and your body—what do you reach towards to feel safe? What makes you feel safer in your body? What makes you feel safe as you travel from one place to another? If you were going on an extended trip away from home, what would you need to take? Ponder these questions, record your observations, and keep your current answers in a place you can easily return to as Mars begins its seven month journey through your sign.

Want to know more about what the rest of 2022 has in store for you? Do a DIY mini-reading for yourself and check out my collective predictions for the Mars in Gemini transit that lasts from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023 inside the Mars in Gemini Guidebook



Eight of Cups


You’ve been experiencing a tremendous change, and it has likely brought up many emotions for you, Cancer. Commitments that are long past their expiration are coming to a close. Allegiances you held to certain groups of people or beliefs are in the process of deconstructing. Yes Cancer, it is a cliche to release and let go, yet here you are in the muck of exactly that. Your values have changed but more importantly, you see clearly where inherited beliefs are just that: Inherited, but not necessarily yours. Just because you feel a certain way doesn’t mean that you have to be led by that feeling. Just because your rule has always been to do things one way doesn’t mean you can’t change course and take on a totally new belief system. It's okay if it takes a long time for you to change your mind. It's okay if you are always in the process of changing your mind. 

Want to know more about what the rest of 2022 has in store for you? Do a DIY mini-reading for yourself and check out my collective predictions for the Mars in Gemini transit that lasts from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023 inside the Mars in Gemini Guidebook



Seven of Swords and Six of Wands Rx


It’s your season Leo, but are you letting someone or something else steal the show? On the one hand, you might feel like this is a full circle moment where your hard work has finally paid off—but another part of you might be stuck in a loop about how your hard work isn’t paying off. You might even feel like you’re irresponsible or things just keep getting in your way. No doubt you’ve had some unexpected (and potentially costly) curveballs come your way, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t celebrate all that you accomplished in the last year (or even looking as far back as March 2020 for what you have to celebrate). This is when Saturn first entered Aquarius and started giving you opportunities to level up. You’ve come so far—don’t let these setbacks stop you from celebrating.

Want to know more about what the rest of 2022 has in store for you? Do a DIY mini-reading for yourself and check out my collective predictions for the Mars in Gemini transit that lasts from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023 inside the Mars in Gemini Guidebook





It’s almost time for the focus to turn to you, Virgo. At this Full Moon in Aquarius, you are preparing for a new cycle of your life to begin, and it’s natural to reflect on what you’ve accomplished over the last 12 months and what you hope the next year will bring. With your ruling planet Mercury in your own sign of Virgo, you’re already feeling some of that main character energy. Pay special attention to conversations that are happening around August 20th, as they are likely to face delays and confusion after Mercury stations retrograde on September 9.


Look for initial resolution around October 15. However, pay special attention to conversations that have to do with your public image, press, roles that you play in the world, or anything that puts the spotlight on you. Conversations related to this will likely continue to return through March of next year as part of the Mars in Gemini cycle.

Want to know more about what the rest of 2022 has in store for you? Do a DIY mini-reading for yourself and check out my collective predictions for the Mars in Gemini transit that lasts from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023 inside the Mars in Gemini Guidebook



Four of Wands


It might feel like the people you love are deflated right now and your first instinct is to lovingly come to their rescue. If there’s a responsible caretaker inside of you (there almost certainly is) they need to be listened to just as much as the disappointed people you love. Rather than coming to their rescue, do what you do best. Create beautiful and creative space for people to connect. Shine a light on the people you love and turn your frustration into a celebration. Watch as you create a buzz that will last for weeks to come.

Want to know more about what the rest of 2022 has in store for you? Do a DIY mini-reading for yourself and check out my collective predictions for the Mars in Gemini transit that lasts from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023 inside the Mars in Gemini Guidebook





If you celebrated your own set of holidays each year, I would put the Full Moon in Aquarius on your calendar. This is just as much of a portal to the other side as your own Scorpio season. This year the transitory nature of this Full Moon is intensified by the South Node being in your own sign, Scorpio. Since January 18, 2022, you have been releasing and shedding in ways that are intense even for someone as acquainted with the art of transformation as you. Your relationships are making it clear what you need to let go of in unusual and unexpected ways. People you have placed on a pedestal in the past might need to be taken down so that you can begin walking up onto the stage yourself.

Want to know more about what the rest of 2022 has in store for you? Do a DIY mini-reading for yourself and check out my collective predictions for the Mars in Gemini transit that lasts from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023 inside the Mars in Gemini Guidebook





Your voice is center stage at this Full Moon in Aquarius. All of the research and exploration you’ve done is allowing you to show up with your fullest wisdom now. Even if you don’t feel like you know everything you should, people highly value your deep bench of knowledge and respect your openness to be in process. Don’t worry about saying the right thing or getting everything perfect. Your process is the value you bring to the world. Your ability to figure it out as you go along is the value you bring to the world. Process requires messiness where perfection doesn’t allow for it. Be focused on sharing your process and you will help many people create abundance and value in the world.

Want to know more about what the rest of 2022 has in store for you? Do a DIY mini-reading for yourself and check out my collective predictions for the Mars in Gemini transit that lasts from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023 inside the Mars in Gemini Guidebook



9 of Pentacles


Shoulda, would, coulda—oh you love that line don’t you, Capricorn? Are you focusing too much on what you could have done that you can’t see what you DID do? Are you taking time to acknowledge what you already do well before you jump ahead to accomplishing the next new, shiny project?

When you don’t acknowledge a job well done, you’re resisting joy. It might be joy is an uncomfortable emotion to feel—you’re not an alien for feeling that way. I promise. Trust always that you did your best with what was available to you at the time. Knowing you would do something differently now doesn’t mean you failed in the past—it’s a sign of how much you have grown. Celebrate your accomplishments.

Want to know more about what the rest of 2022 has in store for you? Do a DIY mini-reading for yourself and check out my collective predictions for the Mars in Gemini transit that lasts from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023 inside the Mars in Gemini Guidebook



6 of Wands Rx


You only get on Full Moon each year, Aquarius, and this one is yours! Of course, last year you had not only a Full Moon but a Blue Moon in your own sign, which was like two big tidal waves crashing over you. Looking back to where you were a year ago, how much has changed? How much have you changed? What unexpected but beautiful things have happened? In what moments did you realize the Universe had your back even when it didn’t feel like it? What once felt like a failure, but you’re starting to see the reasons it was a major success?

This Full Moon is a good time to reflect on that you have learned since Saturn entered Aquarius on March 21, 2020. Can you see now how moments when you felt blocked were really opportunities for redirection? Saturn remains in Aquarius until March 7, 2023, and but you’ll begin to harvest the goodness of all that you’ve learned when Saturn stations direct on October 22, 2022. For now, sort through the compost heap of the last two and a half years and respect yourself for getting through this crash course on personal growth and personal responsibility.

Want to know more about what the rest of 2022 has in store for you? Do a DIY mini-reading for yourself and check out my collective predictions for the Mars in Gemini transit that lasts from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023 inside the Mars in Gemini Guidebook





How is your well of resource at this Full Moon, Pisces? You might feel drawn within at this Full Moon in Aquarius, with the Moon and Saturn aligned in your 12th house. You’ve been of service to many people recently and it might be time to wash yourself well of any stagnant energy that has built up. It’s not that you haven’t enjoyed the new opportunities that have come your way, it’s that there’s so much healing happening for yourself and others flowing through your body, through your soul, every day, that you really need a moment to pause and release. Sometimes even the most joyful changes bring tears—you know this more than most.

Want to know more about what the rest of 2022 has in store for you? Do a DIY mini-reading for yourself and check out my collective predictions for the Mars in Gemini transit that lasts from August 20, 2022-March 25, 2023 inside the Mars in Gemini Guidebook

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 the Cycle Breaking Astrology Masterclass I will show you 
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